What is a Dedicated WordPress Manager?

A Dedicated WordPress Manager is a person who is experienced in managing all aspects of a WordPress website including Themes, Plugins, Edits, Design, Development, Search Engine Optimization, Hosting, and Domains. At least that's what it means here at WP Harbor. Our...

Why We Switched From Cloud Hosting to Dedicated Servers

Cloud hosting is all the rage these days. Everyone is using this new trendy technology, myself included. I've been hosting on the Cloud since 2014, and almost all of the websites WP Harbor manages have been hosted on cloud services, that is, until recently. My...

Announcing Our WordPress Management Referral Program!

If you're looking for the best referral program for a WordPress Management Service, you've come to the right place! We offer one of the best WP management services in the industry and our $300 commission per referral is, hands down, one of the highest paying...

That Feeling When Your Website Goes Down

Do you know the feeling when your website is down? That sinking feeling in your stomach? Cold sweat? Anxiety? Imagine the last time your website was down. Do you remember it? What thoughts went through your head? "How long has it been down?" "Who else saw that it was...

Why Your Website Needs Cloudflare

Why Cloudflare | Two Powerful Benefits There's a high chance that you've already heard about Cloudflare but don't know what it is or why your website needs it. This article aims to remedy that by explaining two Cloudflare benefits that you can't ignore if you want to...

Is WP Harbor Better Than GoWP?

Why WP Harbor Is a Better Option Over GoWP When it comes to website management companies, we often see a trend of providing a lot of alternative services that are not necessarily connected to the performance and management of your website. We understand that everyone...

Smash Balloon Social Post Feed Security Issues

Wordfence has just announced they have found a significant vulnerability with the OptinMonster plugin.  They say that over 1,000,000 WordPress sites have been affected.  The main threats include:Any site visitors are able to export sensitive informationAny site...

What Web Analytics Can Do for Your Business

Any company with a digital presence will benefit from measuring and analyzing the activity of visitors on their website. Website analytics tracks information, such as: Number of visitors Traffic source Pages visited Actions taken on the site Number of page views Time...

The Perfect External Monitor for Macbook (Winter 2021)

I decided to bite the bullet and buy a second external monitor. My first choice, just buying the same monitor I already had was not an option thanks to supply chain issues in Los Angeles. So I went looking for an alternative. I wanted to get something that looked...

WP Buffs Compared to WP Harbor

At WP Harbor, we understand that choosing between all the different website management service providers can be difficult. Everyone has their own proposition and making heads or tails between the options available can quickly become overwhelming. Your website is...

WordPress Management for Small Business Owners

Why WordPress Is Excellent for Small Businesses The importance of having a website for any business, no matter the size, can’t be denied. Even more so if you have a small business that’s looking to break into the scene or further improve its standing. Over 80% of...

The Truth about Accessibility Plugins

Website accessibility is a hot topic, and it's been a growing area of concern for years. But it's also a subject mired in confusion. There seems to be a growing conclusion that the solution is to install an accessibility plugin. Let me be clear, there isn't a single...

WooCommerce One Click Upsell (Case Study Results)

Imagine someone in a McDonald's drive-through. They place their order and drive up to the first window. The cashier holds out French fries and says "We have an extra, if you want it I can add it to your order for 50% off the regular price." How many people do you...

Use Akismet to Stop Contact Form Spam from your Website

We manage hundreds of websites, and that includes fighting off spammers. We dealt with some pretty bad spam issues in the past. It got so bad, the volume of emails being sent was triggering website malware warnings because a lot of email being sent from a site can...

How to Make a Legally Binding Document with Gravity Forms

The Federal ESIGN Act was passed by Congress and signed into law in the year 2000. Today there are many electronic signature companies that provide their services for a fee. Sometimes you really need to use these company's as they offer advanced features like the...

Quality Comes Standard

Design is important, but a high-quality website is much more than how it looks. Here are the things we think are important for every website to have.Built On WordPress21 times more popular than Squarespace, 29 times more populare than Wix, WordPress is BY FAR the most...

What Is Native Advertising?

Native advertising is the use of paid ads that match the look, feel, and function of the website they appear on. Native ads are often used in social media feeds, or as recommended content on a web page. Unlike traditional display ads, native ads don’t really look like...

How to Verify The Identity of a Person Making a CCPA request

The CCPA requires you to verify the identity of a person making a request related to personal information. After all, you don’t want to accidentally give away access to someone else’s personal data. That’s what we call a data-breach! You generally don’t want to ask...

Lead Capture Styles

Below are a few examples of the variety of lead capture styles available to choose from.1. PopUp LightboxAn unblockable overlay (a.k.a. popup) that is displayed above your content and is very attention-grabbing.2. “Sticky” RibbonAdd a ribbon type form that shows at...

Hiver: A Review After a Year and a Half

I've been using Hiver Pro plan since Dec 28th, 2019. Aside from Hiver I've used FreshDesk and ZenDesk with teams ranging in size from three to thirty. To make a long story short, Hiver is definitely the best email help desk system I've ever used, and better than...

DNS Records For Email Security

Nobody likes email spam. Email clients send some emails to spam folders or outright prevent delivery. While this may help keep your inbox from being cluttered, it can also stop your emails from being seen. In this article we’ll help give an understanding two DNS...

The Power of Search Engine Optimization

Perhaps you’ve just had a website built and you’re ecstatic to have the masses finally see what you have to offer be it a new product, clothing line, or even your personal portfolio. You find yourself waiting a few days, but your website has barely had any visitors....

A Guide to Website Backlinks

SEO or search engine optimization concept. Paper with SEO ideas or plan, cup of coffee and smartphone on wooden table deskWith the expanse of technology has come the onslaught of ideas and an insurmountable level of competition, especially between websites. Billions...

Are Cheaper Domains Actually Cheaper

What About Cheaper Registrars? We're not a domain registrar. We provide domain management, which includes registration on our client's behalf. This is We know what you need when it comes to purchasing a new domain and we provide it at a reasonable price without any of...

B Flat Project

play multiple videos in any order at any time THANK YOU Contributors:Finding musicians willing to help with this was WAY harder than I expected! THANK YOU SO MUCH to the musicians who participated! Including: JR, LeeAnn, Matt, Zack, Nick, Jackson, Mikaela, David,...

How to Register an LLC Online in Michigan

Registering a business online in Michigan is a simple process. It costs $50 and can be completed online using the following instructions: Search for the name you want to use here: https://cofs.lara.state.mi.us/SearchApi/Search/Search The name of the LLC must be...

Woocommerce Automatically Create Account On Checkout

With these settings a WooCommerce account will automatically be created for all customers during check out. WooCommerce will automatically send an email to the customer with an auto-generated user name and password. Step 1. Login to WordPress and navigate to...

Will WordPress Remain On Top?

WordPress is by far the most popular website building platform. According to the widely cited w3techs.com, WordPress is 27 times more popular than Wix, 21 times more popular than SquareSpace. A staggering thirty Percent of the internet’s top one million websites are...

Buying A WordPress Theme From ThemeForrest

Want a high-quality WordPress site but don't have a big budget? Most websites are built using themes and plugins. From a development efficiency perspective, it's hard to beat the value. First, go to ThemeForest.net and look for a website theme that you like. The trick...

NPR: The Price of Getting Hacked?

Why would a hacker target a small business? It's not for the reasons you might think. Hackers aren't always trying to gain information. Sometimes they are looking for a place to store it. Imagine if you had something illegal that you wanted to share with others......

Trying Out PipeDrive

I’m trying out this service called PipeDrive. The idea is that you put your leads in and the leads progress through stages until you “win” the deal. It’s basically Kanban for sales leads.

It’s cool, but I don’t really sell like that. After I “win” the deal…I have a customer, who needs support, care, and attention. At that point, I could add customers into a CRM, but if I had a good CRM I wouldn’t need PipeDrive. So I’m left trying to figure out how to use Pipedrive as a sale pipeline tool, as well as a CRM.

How to file a DBA or Assumed Name in Michigan (online)

From what I can tell, there are two ways: online, or fill out a form and mail it in. Method 1: File a Michigan DBA Online You can file a DBA, or Assumed Business name online at LARA: https://cofs.lara.state.mi.us/corpweb/LoginSystem/ExternalLogin.aspx Login to the...

Don’t Waste Your Websites Most Valuable Real Estate

Web users spend 57% of their time above the "fold" with a sharp decline afterward. 74% of their time is dedicated to the first two screenfuls [Source]. This makes the main hero one of the most valuable parts of a website. Considering that. Take a look at the first two...

4 Reasons You Should Have An SSL Certificate

1. Avoid Being Shamed By Google Chrome & Mozilla Firefox Google has been warning website owners for years that it would start shaming non-SSL websites, and in January 2017 it started making good on those promises. Google is also very clear about its end goal: "We...

Don’t Go Another Day Without SSL on WordPress Site

SSL is a key feature of internet security. A site without SSL is setting itself up for scams, hacks, and general bad activity. Even if nothing ever happens to your site, having SSL is a sign of good faith to anyone who visits your site. Don’t let another day pass...

Why WordPress is the Best Platform for Beginner Bloggers

If you’re just starting out in the blogging world, look no further than WordPress. Just think of WordPress as the tricycle of the blogging world. Almost everyone starts out on it when they’re just learning how to put one foot in front of the other and get their blog...

The Top Plugins to Keep Your Blog Content Optimized

Optimization is key to Internet success. You can get more results from the same content if you take the time to optimize it. These top plugins will do a lot of that work for you, giving you more time to focus on creating content and honing your skills. 1. Yoast SEO...

How Your WordPress Theme Could Ruin Your Blog

The options for choosing a WordPress theme for your site are nearly endless, but choosing the wrong theme could ruin your blog. Free themes, in particular, can be problematic for your blog's success. Here are some pitfalls to avoid when choosing a new theme for your...

Four WordPress Tips to Increase Security

WordPress is one of the most user-friendly and efficient web-building tools available today. As with all websites, it is also vulnerable to malicious attacks, especially without proper preparations. Here are some WordPress tips to keep your site safe and secure....

Avoid These Five Common WordPress Mistakes on Your First WordPress Site

WordPress is a great, friendly first site for people looking to have their own site. It’s easy to use, very flexible in what it can do, and forgiving of mistakes, usually. These common WordPress mistakes will hold your site back and could even leave it vulnerable to...

Five WordPress Plugins that Help Optimize Content

With over 50,000 WordPress plugins, choosing the ones that best optimize your site can be an overwhelming task. Surprisingly, one small addition makes a significant impact on the quality and the traffic of your site. Each of these plugins is user-friendly and easy to...

Five Reasons WordPress is a Top Blogging Platform

When it comes to blogging, knowing which platform to use can leave you overwhelmed. WordPress is easily the top blogging platform and it keeps getting better with every new feature. There are certainly more than five reasons why WordPress is a top blogging platform,...

What to Look for in a WordPress Theme

Your website design is the first thing everyone notices. The way your website looks and operates dictates how often users access your web page and stay there. Thankfully, WordPress has an abundance of themes to make your website stand out, while making it easier to...

Protect Your WordPress Site with These WordPress Security Tips

WordPress is a hugely popular site platform for a reason. With lots of power and flexibility behind it, it hosts high profile sites that make juicy targets for would-be hackers. If you want to keep your site secure, follow these WordPress security tips. 1. Keep...

How to Get SSL Security on Your WordPress Site

Getting a secure socket layer (SSL) for your Wordpress site is essential. It provides protection for you and the data that you put out on your website. It can help protect your readers and any data that they transmit over your site. With so much riding on your SSL...

Picking the Best WordPress eCommerce Plugin

WordPress is one of the most popular CMS in the world today. Hundreds of websites use it to launch their content and maintain it. Ecommerce is also quickly rising to the top of the charts. Selling your products online is far easier, safer, and more efficient than...

Why WordPress for Business Sites is a Great Idea

WordPress: one of the single most powerful and popular content management systems in the world today. It is used for millions of websites around the world. WordPress is used to run various websites, such as personal sites, blogs, and even business websites. If your...

Why WordPress is Popular Today

Do you have a blog or a website? If you do, what platform do you run it on? If your answer was WordPress, you’re one of the hundreds of thousands of users who currently use the CMS to create and maintain their websites. WordPress is a term that will reach your ears,...

Have Questions? Book a call with
WP Harbor Founder Chad Lawie.​

Have Questions? Book a call with WP Founder Chad Lawie.​