play multiple videos in any order at any time

THANK YOU Contributors:
Finding musicians willing to help with this was WAY harder than I expected! THANK YOU SO MUCH to the musicians who participated! Including: JR, LeeAnn, Matt, Zack, Nick, Jackson, Mikaela, David, Erin, Rachel, Wally, Matt, Faith, and others.

What’s the point?
In light of coronavirus / social distancing, the point is to collaborate remotely to make something beautiful.

What’s the goal?
The goal is for anyone to be able to come to the webpage and play any combination of videos in any order to create something that sounds beautiful.

Contribution Wanted!
– Put in headphones and play along to this:
– Bb major.
– Simple, floating in space textures work best, with NO TEMPO OR GROOVE.
– Leave LOTS of silence between phrases. The less you add….the better.
– Thick chords or low notes DO NOT work well. Keep it above middle C.
– Record a video of the instrument you are playing and send to [email protected]
– Record in a quiet environment, with as little background noise as possible.
– Wait about 5-10 seconds to start playing.
– Total length should be around 1-2 minutes.

Is this an original idea?
I learned about this concept from a video puzzle game called Goragoa. It’s a sweet game and I highly recommend it. As you play and interact with the game, different tracks are turned on and off, creating a custom ambient soundtrack that is generated in the moment by the player. The game creator, Jason Roberts, based his idea of the soundtrack off a collaborative music and spoken word project conceived by Darren Solomon “In Bb 2.0”  where musicians made contributions in the key of Bb. I thought it was awesome, and on a Saturday morning during COVID-19 Quarantine, I thought I’d see if it could recreate it with my friends.

Creating something that sounded good took way more time and effort than I expected, however, the excitment of receiving a new video was amazing, no matter who sent it, or how well they played.

Thank you SO MUCH to everyone who has participated in this. Friends, aquaintences, strangers, and you, whoever you are, for visiting this page and playing these videos.