Registering a business online in Michigan is a simple process. It costs $50 and can be completed online using the following instructions:
- Search for the name you want to use here: The name of the LLC must be unique. However, you can “Do Business As” (DBA) using a different name from the LLC. For instructions on how to register a DBA click here:
- Once you have identified a name register the business online by going to
- At the top of the page, you will see the message “If you are forming a new entity, click here.” Click the link.
- This will bring you to the “Corporations Online Filing System”. Select the type of corporation you want to form. Most small business owners today form a Limited Liability Company or LLC for short. If that’s what you’d like to form, select the top option “DOMESTIC LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, 700 – ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION”
- Complete the online LLC form. It’s not as complicated as it looks.
- Enter the name of your LLC
- Leave blank
- Enter “perpetual” or leave blank
- Enter your name/mailing address
- Leave the next two boxes “effective date” and “additional provisions” empty unless you have a reason to use them.
- Add your signature
- Enter your name and address again
- Select your turnaround time, and click “review”
- Review your details and enter your payment information.
That’s all there is to it!
****Disclaimer! I’m not an attorney! This is not legal advice!****