WordPress is by far the most popular website building platform. According to the widely cited w3techs.com, WordPress is 27 times more popular than Wix, 21 times more popular than SquareSpace. A staggering thirty Percent of the internet’s top one million websites are...
Why Trump appears when you search for “idiot”
This made such big waves that Google Chief Executive Sundar Pichai was asked by Congress “How would that happen? How does search work so that that would occur?”
NPR: The Price of Getting Hacked?
Why would a hacker target a small business? It's not for the reasons you might think. Hackers aren't always trying to gain information. Sometimes they are looking for a place to store it. Imagine if you had something illegal that you wanted to share with others......
Don’t Waste Your Websites Most Valuable Real Estate
Web users spend 57% of their time above the "fold" with a sharp decline afterward. 74% of their time is dedicated to the first two screenfuls [Source]. This makes the main hero one of the most valuable parts of a website. Considering that. Take a look at the first two...